Legionella Testing

Legionella Testing

InDepth Water Management offers nationwide water testing services for Legionella.

An experienced member of our team will contact you to discuss your business, facilities, and existing processes and will then advise you on the type of services we can provide to ensure your business is fully compliant with Legionella Regulations. One of our highly trained team will then visit your premises to identify areas that will need to be tested.

Results will be provided within 10 days of the samples being taken.

Your business has a legal responsibility under health & safety legislation to ensure that legionella risk is assessed by a qualified and experienced service provider to protect both the workforce and members of the public.

Our experienced onsite engineers have a combined knowledge of 20 years in clean water services/legionella testing.

What Is Legionella?

Legionella bacteria can cause serious respiratory illness and even death. Legionella can be found in water product processing industries or in the workplace as it thrives in warm environments.

Businesses most at risk / Businesses where Legionella Testing Programmes are key:

  • Hotels and restaurants
  • Residential communities/care homes
  • Commercial buildings
  • Shipping
  • Schools
  • Leisure centres, spas, saunas, swimming pools, and sports halls
  • Dental practices
  • Hospitals and care homes
InDepth Water Management Germs

What Environments does Legionella thrive in?

  • Water distribution temperatures between 25-45 degrees
  • If your premises has been closed for a period of time
  • If there is a lack of water use in the building, there is a risk the water may have become stagnant
  • If the water tank is not properly insulated and/or in contact with direct sunlight or heating Legionella can form within the system
  • If the pipe work is not correctly installed there is a risk of Legionella
  • Shower heads and TMVs (Thermostatic Mixing Valve) which are not cleaned and monitored for Legionella

Legionella Testing Steps

  1. Risk assessments of your water systems. Ask our in-house specialists for more information.
  2. Visual inspection of water tanks/storage tanks
  3. Monitoring temperatures/climate control
  4. Samples to be taken and tested independently by InDepth Water Management

Why Test For Legionella

  • Proactive risk management – helps to safeguard the health and well-being of building occupants, tenants, and visitors to any facility
  • Legionella is found practically everywhere
  • Legionella is very resilient
  • VBNC (viable but non-culturable cells), dormant forms when ‘shocked’ by chemical or heart treatment
  • Hides in biofilm so can be resistant to biocides and heat treatments
  • Typical treatments and risk management techniques are not 100% effective
  • Businesses have a legal responsibility under health & safety legislation

How to book a Legionella test?

Get in touch with one of our team today by calling us on 0818 77 2222 or , emailing info@indepth.ie.