InDepth Water Management are experts in Pipeline Water Pressure Testing in Ireland. We carry out this test in the commission and maintenance of water mains for customers nationwide.
We complete pressurisation using a variety of Hydrostatic Test Pumps. These are sized specifically for the type and size of pipe to be tested. All pumps are pressure variable and fitted with pressure relief valves and set to the required test pressure on site.
We test all “Creep Reactive” pipe materials such as HDPE, MDPE using pressure data loggers. Then our technicians download and interpret the logger results on our app system which will gives fast result of pass or fails. This happens immediately after the test procedure has been completed.
We analyse test results using our WRC approved test programme and issue test certificates. We complete these test to the Irish Water testing standard IGN 4-01-03 ensuring that the contractor has a valid test certification to hand over to Irish Water for connection to the main line.(The on-site Hydrostatic pressure test of the Pipeline is to determine if the pipeline meets the requirements of the test procedure outlined in Section 5 of the WRC A Guide to Testing of Water Supply Pipelines and Sewer Rising Mains, 1st Edition, June 1999, and IGN 4-01-03 31 Nov 2015 for use within the scope of Clause of EN 805.)
We also test solid pipe materials such as Ductile Iron or PVC using the water loss procedure and the standard certified test gauge and manifold.
Swabbing shall be conducted after verification of pressure test pass result, foam swabs, soaked in chlorine, shall be passed through the Main for final cleansing a sufficient number of times to achieve clear wash water.
Pipelines shall be filled with potable water and a disinfectant shall be introduced into the main to achieve a minimum concentration of 20mg/l of free available chlorine. All pipelines, including service connections, shall be disinfected. The chlorinated water shall be left in the Water Main for a minimum contact period of 24 hours and checked for residual chlorine.
After the 24 hour period, a water sample shall be taken and tested by an accredited laboratory to ensure that there is free chlorine residual of at least 10 mg/1 at the furthermost end from the point of injection.
For more information on pipeline pressure testing or any of our services, please contact us on 0818 77 22 22 or email us at You can also reach us on our Contact Us page. We offer a 24/7 Emergency Call Out Service Nationwide.
InDepth Water Management are committed to delivering an unparalleled nationwide water management solution, with customer service underpinned by reliability, efficiency and cost-effectiveness.